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The Hollowed Stone

The Hollowed Stone

The forest has extended.
Creatures in the forest can hardly managed to survive
in reverberation of breathing.
The forest,the river, the boat, the man, the grass and the stone.   
Nature was glimpsed with ten thousand eyes of the one in the forest,
Breathers in the forest were almost incapable for surviving in 
reverberation of respiration.
The man was seeking for the hollowed stone.
There he lies down, his own hands, feet, torso and genitals
are being out of control.
He lies down in soothing consolation which was acquired
after he had accustomed to his unrestraint.
There lies his corpse.

The hollowed stone.
The extraordinary moments of lifetime, belonged to the man
who had bee seeking for the hollowed stone, man's eyes which
viewed the setting purple sun between branches, the enigma
of enigmas-all these were melted in an altered state of his
consciousness, arising from his patience with the pain caused by
injuring himself.
The forest kept still, never going to move again.
The desolated man in this forest destroyed himself.

                                        (Translated by Kay Muramatsu)

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